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PLANNING MATTERS Most of our efforts this past year have been in objecting to and supporting the objectors to the proposed plans for Quakers Walk. Sadly the protestation was to no avail and the plans have been included in the local plan. Earlier this year when the Kneverneland site was given planning permission, we did hope for a corporate change of mind at Kennet with an exclusion of Quakers Walk. However, this did not happen and it looks like the development will go ahead in the future. Particularly in order to preserve the footpath for generations to come, your Parish Council applauds the group trying to retain the unique atmosphere of Quakers Walk itself and we hope to emphasise this need whenever the opportunity arises. We have also been involved in the Le Marchant Barracks and Surecast site planning and whilst we have queried the affect on London Road and the infrastructure these new plans will have, the only glimmer of official recognition of the problems so visible to us is the commissioning of a traffic survey of London Road. We are involved in all planning applications in the parish and will continue to strive to ensure the local view is recognised.

FINANCE This year our precept if £14000, which is an increase of £500 from 2004/5. This increase is necessary as our contribution to the Joint Burial Committee increases each year. Otherwise our expenses are kept at more or less the same levels in the belief that this represents best value for ratepayers’ money.

OTHER MATTERS We are concerned at the levels of parking on pavements on the newer estates and are working with Kennet and the Police to resolve this problem.

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