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Welcome to JD GRAPHOLOGY. Firstly, what is graphology? Graphology, or handwriting analysis, is the art and science of assessing a sample of handwriting to discover the personality of the writer.

Widely used in other European countries and North America for business recruitment purposes and personal growth, graphology has wide applications.

Careers guidance, personnel recruitment, team building, self awareness, dating, understanding problem teenagers, helping to improve many relationships by understanding what motivates other people.

Graphology is a powerful tool which can be used to: understand ourselves more fully; reveal unconscious fears during professional counselling or psychotherapy; highlight our strengths and abilities; discover what makes our friends and acquaintances (and work colleagues) tick; help us choose a new partner (business or romantic); help employers select the most suitable candidate for a position; assist with criminal profiles.

Last, but not least, to inform and entertain others.

Graphic version of this page