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Refuse and Recycling After Christmas

Collections will be one day earlier over Christmas and New Year - i.e. on Saturday 30 December and Saturday 6 January. Normal collections will start again the following week (beginning 8 January).

The cardboard and plastic recycling skips will be outisde the School on Friday 5 January from 8:30 to 10:30. Don't forget that Christmas trees can be taken to Hopton road Recycling Centre or else in your green wheelie bin. Christmas cards can go to Chirton School.

Parish Stewards

Wiltshire County Council have instituted a new system for keeping roads and gullies clean and tidy. Instead of visiting the village twice a year for up to four days in total, they will be visiting us on a monthly basis. When the Parish Steward visits, the clerk tells him what needs to be done - e.g. clearing gullies, cutting grips to prevent local flooding, clearing footpaths, etc.

However the clerk can't always be sure there isn't something else that needs doing, so if you think something has been missed, let him know and he'll add it to the list.

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